Why You Should Drink Jaggery Tea Daily

Jaggery tea
Photo taken from Indian Express website.

Drinking jaggery tea in winter will benefit you. Jaggery tea improves the digestive system. It helps in reducing chest irritation. Jaggery has very few artificial sweeteners. Jaggery contains more vitamins and minerals than sugar.

The use of jaggery during the Coronavirus period strengthens the immunization system. From weight loss, jaggery tea is a must for many diseases. It works as an energy boost in winter. We can tell you how to make jaggery tea at home very easily in winter, learn its advantages.

These ingredients are needed to make jaggery tea:

–Three teaspoons finely jaggery
–2 tsp tea leaf
–2 cardamoms
–1 tsp fennel seeds
–two cups of milk with one cup of water.
–1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder and ginger

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Jaggery tea recipe

Boil a cup of water with ginger, cardamom, pepper, fennel seeds in the pan. Boil the milk again while boiling. Now add jaggery and mix well. Do not boil it for long or the tea can burst.

Jaggery tea benefits

  • Drinking jaggery tea in winter eliminates abdominal fat and keeps humans healthy.
  • It keeps the digestive system healthy. Also, it improves the digestive system and helps reduce chest irritation. Jaggery has very few artificial sweeteners. Jaggery contains more vitamins and minerals than sugar, which are beneficial for health.
  • Reliefs from migraine and increases red blood cells. Patients with migraines or headaches should drink jaggery tea with cow’s milk. It relaxes. It is also beneficial for those who are anemic.

You should not take jaggery in large quantities, otherwise, more jaggery can be harmful.

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