Here we focus on some home remedies to overcome the problem of the sinus in winter. These are the best Ayurveda treatment when you in trouble with sinus pain. Turmeric and ginger tea loosens mucus as well as open the closed nose.
Sinus infection is a major problem caused by allergies, bacterial infections, and cold. In winter, these troubles are further aggravated. Because it increases mucus in the body, which causes headaches and even troubles to breathe. Let’s tell you home remedies that can help you overcome sinus problems.
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Drink ginger and turmeric tea
Turmeric and ginger tea is considered to be very effective for the body in winter. This is the best Ayurveda treatment in the trouble of sinus pain. Because turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Heat the water in a pot. Now add three drops of peppermint oil, three drops of rosemary oil, and two drops of eucalyptus oil. Cover with towels and steam the water now. This will open your closed nose. Regular use of this can remove the sinus.
Stay hydrated
Always keep yourself hydrated with sinus problems. The way is to drink a lot of water, no sugar tea, or juice could remove fluid mucus from the body. The problem of sinus itself increases because of the lack of fluid.
Drink Soup
Drink more and more soups in winter. Studies have shown that the soup removes frozen mucus from the body. So, you can drink some kind of soups regularly.
Distance from oil and spice mines
Oil and spicy foods can increase the problem of sinuses, so keep a distance from them. Those who have sinus problems eat the most vitamin A substances. Also, stay away from cold foods, such as ice cream, cheeses, and yogurt.