Test and Tag Regulations Explained

Electrical Testing Services
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

The process in which an appliance is visually inspected and for any damage which may have been caused while they were been used is known as Test and Tag. Cowley Batemans Bay Electrician says a test and tag starts with a reliable electrician and technician checking the required device for things like defects in connections, covers, cords, and plugs. After the technician has given his opinion that the equipment is safe as they have checked the insulation, earthing, and polarity, you can start using it.

Test & Tag Guidelines

Test and Tag is a process which ensures that Electrical safety regulations are followed and the work place is safe for the employees. Implementing Test and Tag ensures that the portable electronic devices are in good workable condition. There are many portable appliances which are open to abuse such as kettles and power tools. As they are mostly used by workers. This abuse can lead them to use unsafe electronic equipment and thus, can harm them. Listed below are the regulations/guidelines for Testing and Tagging.

Overview of Guidelines

Under the safety guidelines it is the employer’s legal obligation to provide a safe environment to work which does not have any health risks. So, this states that the employer needs to identify if there are any risks or hazards in the electronic equipment’s which are used by the employees. When identified this risk needs to be removed by ETS Electrical Testing Service – test and tag. There are a set of regulation which needs to be undertaken by people in business or are at risk while working with electrical equipment. It is applicable to all work places and the people who come under this list are:

  • People who are managing or controlling electrical equipment’s.
  • People who carry out electrical work or installation.

The Test and Tag standard procedures help in providing a safe environment to work for employees. The inspection is done in phases. The first being the testing of equipment’s with low voltage single phase and then polyphaser equipment’s that are connected to the electricity. The inspection also checks if it is:

  • A new equipment which is used
  • Was already used
  • Was repaired or serviced before
  • Was a second hand purchase
  • Was a rental equipment

The regulations are actively enforced and inspection of electrical devices are mandatory. This allows safety to all users who are using the equipment in offices and factory. It includes inspection of tools, computer, jugs, fans and machines which are often used by people. The inspection needs to be done for various equipment’s from 3 months up to 5 years.

  • 3 months – High risk equipment’s.
  • 5 years – for equipment’s which are not open to abuse or flexing of chords

Even after regular testing and inspection the electronic device should be inspected and tested:

  • Before & after repairs or servicing as it could have affected the device
  • Before & after second hand sale

If you are a concerned employer you always need to follow the below guidelines as well.

  • The leads, tools and electrical equipment’s should be tested at least every quarter
  • Safety switches should be checked monthly
  • Equipment’s at a factory should be checked every six months