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Daily News Spotlight
Yoga for 10 Minutes a Day can Help with Mental Health Issues
In recent years, mental diseases of various kinds have become a serious worldwide health burden. Anxiety and depression are becoming more common as a result of unhealthy lifestyles, poor eating habits, and increased work-related stress. Psychotic medicines are useful in treating anxiety and depression, but they only provide symptomatic relief. Long-term drug use frequently leads […]
Yoga for 10 Minutes a Day can Help with Mental Health Issues
Editorial Staff
Daily News Spotlight
Yoga for Asthma Cure: Try These 5 Yoga Postures
Try these yoga postures for asthma cure. These 5 yoga postures can help reduce asthma, relieve cough, and ease breathing. If increasing air pollution has boosted your asthma and is causing cough and stiffness, you must respond to these yoga postures. These can help you calm down and ease breathing. Rising levels of air pollution […]
Yoga for Asthma Cure: Try These 5 Yoga Postures
Editorial Staff
Daily News Spotlight
3 Valuable Tips For Yoga Beginners
There are many ways to get into the world of yoga. Start practicing asanas and introduce it as a philosophy of life, but this is what served me. Every day more people are attracted to yoga and it is normal, we currently find yoga postures everywhere. The brands of breakfast cereals, for example, or anti-aging […]
3 Valuable Tips For Yoga Beginners
Editorial Staff