People Around the World Celebrate New Year Amid Pandemic

New year celebration
Photo: AP
New Year brings joyful days to us, new vibrations of life, new hope, new possibilities. So, the world will become normal again, and people can arrange programs to celebrate the new year.

2020 will remain as a sorrowful year in the world. This is a cursed year. Many people think that the world before Covid-19 and the next will never be the same.

Countries around the world have welcomed the year — 2021 with fireworks. There are some displays where crowds were only allowed. Some countries put lockdown and border closures to curb Covid-19. Therefore, New Year celebrations were held with restrictions as there are new spikes in Coronavirus cases.

Meanwhile, thousands of people gathered on the street to party in Wuhan, China, the place where the first case of Coronavirus first detected. But currently, there haven’t been any locally transmitted cases of the virus in Wuhan for months, BBC reported.

Millions of people have already died in the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of people lost their jobs. More than 100 million children have not been able to attend school due to the Coronavirus epidemic.