How to Protect Yourself from Covid-19 this Winter?

Photo Credit: Pikrepo

Winter is approaching, and while we are all eager to feast and indulge, it is also crucial to maintain good health, especially during COVID seasons. COVID is an infection that affects our respiratory tract, therefore we’re a little concerned about our health. Scientists from all across the world are scrambling to gather data in order to forecast how this epidemic will play out during the winter. Will it combine with other winter diseases and worsen, or will it go away on its own? There isn’t much proof for the latter, but no one knows for sure about the former. While our doctors and scientists gather evidence to guide us, we can all do more to protect ourselves against the pandemic by improving our immunity and lung health on an individual level.

In my 30 years of practice, I’ve come to the conclusion that eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle are the only weapons we have against infection and noninfectious diseases. We don’t have the option of being lazy mentality this winter. It is critical that we maintain our vigilance and protect ourselves and our families from becoming infected.

Our bodies are a single ecosystem. Healthy behaviors assist the body work more efficiently and the immune system to remain strong.

Here are some tips for being safe during Covid-19 situation this winter:


Eat a balanced diet. As much as possible, eat whole foods and avoid processed items. Consume foods as close to their natural state as possible; they are the healthiest! Winters allow us to eat more nutrient-dense foods and digest them properly since our bodies’ processes are more efficient at keeping us warm.

Consume whole grains such as maize, bajra, ragi, amaranth, and quinoa, which give not only calories and fiber but also a variety of immunity-boosting minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium, as well as phytonutrient compounds that keep oxidative stress at bay.

The stands of vegetable dealers are a rainbow of colors. Each color represents a particular collection of antioxidant compounds that aid in immune development. Lycopene, which is red, protects our genetic material by neutralizing free radicals. Beta cryptothanxin, found in oranges and yellows, protects the heart. Greens are high in sulforaphane, isocyanate, and indoles, which help to protect us from cancer. Anthocyanins, which are potent anti-aging chemicals, are responsible for the blue and purple hues. Antioxidants like quercetin and kaempferol, which protect the body from free radical damage, are also added to the whites and browns.

Nutrient-dense dry fruits and nuts are small powerhouses. To get healthful fats, fiber, proteins, and phytonutrients, eat one ounce of avocado every day. They keep you nice and toasty.

The therapeutic effects of spices and herbs are well-known. We’ve been utilizing homemade spice and herb teas and infusions to protect ourselves in recent years. Starting the day with 4 to 5 basil leaves is a wonderful idea. Basil’s antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal effects are well-known. Crush some ginger into your tea for added protection against coughs and colds. It’s also an effective anti-inflammatory. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities, thanks to its active ingredient curcumin. As an infusion, use fresh turmeric powder. Fenugreek, garlic, and cinnamon have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory qualities.


Experts advise exercising not only to maintain a healthy weight but also to improve overall health. Exercise promotes a healthy immune system function in addition to general wellness. You don’t need to carry big weights; only 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day and staying physically active would enough. Exercise improves the efficiency with which blood is delivered to all of our organs, ensuring that nutrients reach where they are required; this may be another way in which exercise aids immunity.

Stress And Sleep Cycle

Adults require seven to eight hours of sleep per night. With enough sleep, the relationship between the brain and the body becomes clearer. According to a recent study, a lack of adequate sleep can cause stress, which can lead to a variety of ailments, ranging from digestive problems to heart disease. Rest is essential for our bodies as they go into R&R mode, healing, repairing, and resting. The greatest time to sleep is at night, so tuck in tight this winter to keep your strength up.

Stressing will not help; these are difficult times that will pass. Talk to friends, read a book, listen to music, dance away the blues, and, if necessary, seek treatment. There’s no harm in seeking professional assistance.

Meditation and Yoga

Pranayama strengthens our lung muscles and improves chest wall expansion. This has been confirmed scientifically. Surya Namaskar, which includes controlled breathing, will also help strengthen your lungs. Vitamin C is essential for lung health because it protects the host cells from infection-induced oxidative damage. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, tomato, papaya, guava, and amla as a supplement or in its natural form.

The bottom line is to eat well, live healthy, wear a mask, keep social distance, and avoid crowded rooms with poor ventilation this winter.

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