How to Avoid Cyber-attacks?

Cyber Attack
Photo Credit: Kalhh / 4167 images from Pixabay

The cyber espionage is a form of cyber-attack that steals confidential or classified data or intellectual property to gain an advantage over a company. What are cyber espionage attacks and how to avoid them?

These cyber criminals deliberately recruited and highly valued, have the technical knowledge to close anything.

From government infrastructure to financial systems or public services resources. They have influenced the outcome of the political elections. They have helped companies succeed or fail.

What are cyber espionage attacks and how to avoid them?


Short for malicious software, malware is the main weapon of cyber-attacks. It is designed to damage a system.

Viruses, worms, Trojans, and adware are examples of malware, which you can see in our infographic. They are able to make the computer or network not work or grant access to the attacker.

Identity fraud

Phishing attacks are usually sent via email and presented as a request from a reliable source (for example, your bank).

They provide a link that leads to a fake site, often designed as the actual website. There, trusted users would enter their personal information (such as username and password).

That at this time they would be stolen. 56% of organizations identify phishing attacks as their biggest cyber-security threat. Noted that, crypto broker comparison plays a vital role nowadays.


This is the malware used to block users of your computer and then prevents them from accessing your information until a “ransom” is paid.

Normally, the payment is made in an anonymous wallet through Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. More than 4000 ransomware attacks occur every day, so be careful.

Denial of Service (DoS) attack: These attacks aim to interrupt a network by sending large volumes of traffic and data until the network is flooded and stops working.

Its subtype – Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) is created by an army of botnet computers that attack servers with overwhelming data packets.

What Protection Should We Have Against Cyber-attacks?

  • Partner with information security experts to fully understand the threat landscape and leverage its visibility throughout your customer base.
  • Know which assets need to be protected and the associated operational risk of each.
  • Know where your vulnerabilities are.
  • Fix or mitigate vulnerabilities with an in-depth defense strategy.
  • Understand the tactics, techniques and evolutionary procedures of adversaries that allow you to change the shape of your defensive countermeasures as necessary.
  • Prepare to prevent an attack or respond as quickly as possible if you are engaged.
  • While prevention is preferred.
  • Rapid detection and response is a must.
  • Have an alternative plan for what you will do if you are the victim of a cyber-war.
  • Ensure that critical infrastructure providers have not been compromised.
  • Have safeguards to ensure the integrity of the systems provided by these providers.
  • The critical infrastructure of a country should not depend entirely on the Internet.
  • Having the ability to operate independently if a cyber-security crisis arises.

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Sukanta Parthib is a Bangalee who became a successful entrepreneur. He is the founder, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Editorialge, Daily News Spotlight, and, Sukanta Parthib, whose real name is Sukanta Kundu, is a renowned Writer, Journalist, and Digital Marketer, and also a Poet. He has experience of more than 10 years as a digital marketer, especially an SEO Consultant. He has been working as a freelance writer and journalist for 15 years in various Bangladeshi media. For 23 years, he is writing poems, short stories, and novels. He has two published books that are related to Bengali Poems. Being an entrepreneur, Sukanta has been successfully leading the parent organization – EditorialGE and the other popular online portals to the top place in the world. He is enthusiastically seeking young and fresh writers, digital marketers, and business development strategics who can lead the world in the next future. He founded the EditorialGE on 30 October 2019 and since then he did not look back and has become successful in taking his organization to a new height and currently EditorialGE is one of the most authentic and credible websites in the world. He has a long-term plan to build a multinational company relating to fresh writers, expert digital marketers, content marketers, graphics designers, and skilled web developers. His life objective is to work for human beings, nature, and the environment. He loves reading, writing, researching, and traveling. As a human rights activist, he wants to work for deprived people for establishing equal rights and humanity.