Do you find it easier to breathe out of one side of your nose than the other? If so, one of your nostrils may be partially blocked by a deviated septum.
The septum is the inner wall of cartilage and bone that separates one nasal passageway from the other. In an ideal world, this wall would be perfectly straight, allowing for symmetrical and equal airflow distribution through the passageways. However, this is rarely the case, and more often than not, the septum leans or bends to one side, known as a deviated septum.
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that not only helps make a nose appear more conventionally attractive but may also be used to treat a deviated septum. Due to this, rhinoplasty is the number one most popular cosmetic surgery worldwide. In case you’re now wondering if you should look up rhinoplasty cost in Toronto, here are some of the signs you may have a deviated septum that needs correcting.
Signs of a Deviated Septum
Without access to a proper flow of air, the inside of your nose affected by a deviated septum can collect irritants more easily and dry out due to them. Having a nose that is excessively dry and irritated can lead to nosebleeds. Those with a badly deviated septum often have consistent and regular nosebleeds. Their frequency can be increased during peak allergy seasons during the summer and spring and again in winter when the air is cold and dry.
Sinus Infections
The constant irritation, collection of allergens, and cracked bleeding nasal passageways can lead to frequent infection in the nose. This can be worsened with seasonal allergies or when a person catches a cold, and the mucus further blocks the sinuses.
Chronic headaches are a common sign of a deviated septum. The feeling is similar to when a person has a bad cold and feels the congestion holding within the face. The constant force required to force airflow through blocked nasal passageways can result in a buildup of pressure within the sinuses. This can also cause tenderness in the face.
One of the most common signs of a strongly deviated septum is having loud and chronic snoring issues while trying to sleep. This is due to the muscles in the airways vibrating from the strain of needing to force air through blocked passageways. Chronic snoring can be disruptive to a night’s sleep, causing a person to feel poorly rested the next morning. This condition can also be disruptive to a significant other sharing the same bed as a person with chronic snoring.
Sleep Apnea
In more extreme cases of a deviated septum, the strain when sleeping can be more extreme than just snoring. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person’s breathing can become so strained that their breathing actually comes to a brief half in their sleep. This can cause a person to jolt awake due to a need for air. Not only is this condition frightening to a person, but it can also cause intense headaches from the lack of oxygen. In some cases, a person may require a CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) machine to help keep up a consistent flow of air during their sleep.